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The Greater Boston Chapter helps our members to
prevent, identify, and reduce fraud throughout the Commonwealth.
Access to anti-fraud training is a necessity across
a range of fields and specialties today. Join us.

Member Log-In
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National ACFE
Click here to log in to your account to easily register for upcoming trainings, update your profile, renew your membership and more.

Not a member? Learn more about membership. 
Upcoming Events
If you would like to recommend a speaker including yourself or a topic for a training event, please let us know. Click here. 
As the world's largest anti-fraud organization & premier provider of anti-fraud training & education, ACFE reduces business fraud world-wide & inspires public confidence in the integrity & objectivity within the profession. Learn more about how to become a Certified Fraud Examiner

it's time to Renew YOUR 2024-25 membership

On July 1st, 2024, most members will need to renew their membership. Renewing is easy: 

1. Make sure you're logged in (use the Member Login link at the top-right corner)         
2. Once you're logged in, click the red Renew link in the top-right corner to renew your membership. You will be taken to the Member Renewal process, followed by the payment screen.


Not Getting Your CPE Certificates? Here's how to fix it

Several chapter members have reported not receiving their chapter training CPE certificate emails. This may be due to 2 possible reasons:

1. You opted out of emails from the chapter. The Boston chapter tries hard to keep communications timely and useful. If you opt out of receiving emails, you will prevent us from sending your CPE Training Certificate emails. 

If you haven't received a certificate, please click here to go to your privacy settings page and then, change the answer on the first question to Yes, I want to receive these emails. Don't forget to click the Save Settings ✔ button!


2. It's in your Spam/Junk/Clutter folders. Check those and then add "" safe sender list or select your email system's "Always send to inbox" setting or equivalent. Some corporate email systems may bar chapter emails altogether. In those cases, we recommend using an alternate email address, like a personal gmail address for example.

Boston Fraud Examiners LinkedIn  Join our Chapter's LinkedIn Group!
Copyright © 2004-2023. ACFE Boston Chapter.